Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Day - See Ya Later

Good morning,

I always wondered if and when the day came when I left CNN would/could I write a read-me.all and log out, then I thought, I made fun of so many, might as well spare myself the hidden comments. With that in mind, I did want to say goodbye (or maybe see ya later) and thank so many of you for my time here at CNN. From Cindy Patrick, remembering me soon after starting in 1989, to Norma Lamirand and Dick Tauber, giving me a chance to grow as a person and an employee in the Satellite Dept to Sandy Malcolm allowing me the chance to tap into my creative side and actually spot Herve Leger dress on the red carpet and for allowing me to host the highest rated fantasy football segment on Number one for 4 years straight, Anderson can't even say that!!!!

Someone once told me I knew everyone in the building, I doubted it until I would walk down the halls and say hi and know each person's name or favorite sports team or something unique about everyone. So, Hi, what's new? I wanted to say hello and thank you for just saying, just that, hi. I never thought of myself as an outgoing person, but I always enjoyed getting to know so many people and learning what makes you tick. With that in mind, thank you for just allowing me to thrive in the CNN Center biosphere and thank you for your kindness and humor as the days turned into years. I wish I could thank everyone individually, but instead I'll throw out a mass email to say, not good bye, since so many people resurface in the Turner empire, but see ya later.

I'm always open for a beer (plenty of free time) and the chance to let you know why the Steelers decided to lose this week (they felt sorry for the Bengals, so many losing seasons) or at least promote why Pittsburgh is the vacation capital of the world! Please stay in touch and if you know of any jobs holler or at least, let me know if your yard needs cut! Give you a good rate!

Thanks again for everything and yes, that little orange ball will rise tomorrow in the eastern sky, looking forward to what a new day will bring!!!!!

See ya later,
Dan or find me on facebook

P.S. Last one out, goodnight Madley.

1 comment:

  1. Since I was the first to read your blog. Let me be the first to post a comment. At 8a-10a
    West Wing is on Bravo, at 10a you can usually find an episode of The Deadliest Catch. At 11am Gilmore Girls and Frasier that is a tough choice. At 12noon you could watch local news or
    you could pick up a few things at PUBLIX with me. Enjoy a little R&R before your adventure begins. I know, I know shut up.
